Revolutionise your CSRD & ESRS Compliance with AI-Driven Consultancy

I offer expert CSRD consulting services to help your business comply with EU regulations while empowering you with the knowledge and data needed to contribute to a decarbonized, sustainable economy. My guidance goes beyond mere compliance - I provide the insights and tools to shape a greener future actively. Partner with me to navigate the CSRD requirements, unlock new perspectives, and position your company as a leader in transitioning to a climate-neutral world. Seize this opportunity to drive meaningful change and join the transformation today!

My key services:

  • CSRD compliance guidance

  • Sustainability data and insights

  • Strategies for decarbonization

  • Support for green initiatives

  • Positioning as a sustainability leader

Contact me to learn how my CSRD consulting can help your business thrive in a greener economy.

I support companies through practice-orientated training and events so that they can achieve their sustainability goals. The exchange of knowledge and experience is fundamental to sustainable partnerships.

This guide will help you to strategically plan responsible behaviour, put it in writing and communicate it to your stakeholders. As an SME, you have the unique opportunity to utilise your personal relationships and leave a lasting impression. In Austria, small and medium-sized enterprises in particular are the driving force behind our economy and are actively helping to shape the future.

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Sustainability Reporting - NEXT LEVEL

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) marks a new era in EU corporate reporting.

In addition to financial information, companies are now required to disclose non-financial data in their management reports. This elevates both elements to equal importance, further emphasized by the mandatory auditing of these reports by certified public accountants.

Key objectives of the CSRD:

  1. Enhance transparency and comparability of companies' ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) performance

  2. Guide businesses towards a decarbonized economy

  3. Identify potential actions for improvement

  4. Provide competitive advantages for companies with strong sustainability measures in place

Compliance with the CSRD offers numerous benefits:

  • Improved stakeholder trust and investor confidence

  • Better risk management and long-term resilience

  • Increased attractiveness to sustainability-focused investors

  • Identification of cost-saving opportunities and efficiency gains

  • Positive reputation as a responsible corporate citizen

As the CSRD rolls out, companies must navigate complex reporting requirements and adapt their strategies accordingly. Partnering with experienced consultants well-versed in the CSRD and its implications is crucial for successful compliance and maximizing the benefits of this transformative directive.

The image depicts a timeline for the implementation of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) from 2023 to 2030. The timeline is divided into three categories: legislative acts and proposals, companies for which the directive applies

CSRD and ESRS – What are they?

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is an EU directive on sustainability reporting that came into force in January 2023. It replaces the previous Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) and significantly expands the number of companies required to disclose their ESG data.

Key facts about the CSRD:

  • Increases the scope of reporting from nearly 12,000 to almost 50,000 companies within the EU

  • Mandates the use of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) for reporting

  • The ESRS, developed by the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG), provide a standardized framework for sustainability reporting. Compliance with these standards is mandatory for all companies subject to the CSRD.

Current structure of the ESRS:

  • Twelve standards in total

  • Divided into general standards and topic-specific standards

  • Plans to expand with sector-specific standards in the coming years

In addition to disclosing ESG data, the ESRS also require companies to report on their measures, objectives, and strategies related to ESG topics. This aspect of the standards aims to drive the transformation towards a sustainable economy.

The introduction of the CSRD and ESRS marks a significant shift in sustainability reporting, promoting transparency, comparability, and accountability. Companies must now adapt their reporting processes to meet these new requirements and demonstrate their commitment to sustainable practices.

Navigating the complexities of the CSRD and ESRS can be challenging. Partnering with experienced consultants who deeply understand these regulations and their implications is essential for ensuring compliance and maximizing the benefits of sustainability reporting.

Embrace the future of corporate responsibility – contact us today to learn how our CSRD and ESRS expertise can help your business thrive in a more sustainable world.

ESRS 1 and ESRS 2: The Foundation of Sustainability Reporting

The European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) provide a comprehensive framework for companies to disclose their sustainability performance. Among these standards, ESRS 1 and ESRS 2 play a crucial role in setting the foundation for sustainability reporting.

ESRS 1: General Principles

  • Outlines the overarching principles and requirements for sustainability reporting

  • Applies to all sustainability matters covered in the topical and sector-specific standards

  • Ensures consistency, comparability, and relevance of sustainability information

ESRS 2: General, Strategy, Governance, and Materiality Assessment Disclosure Requirements

  • Defines the mandatory disclosure requirements for all companies, regardless of their sector or size

  • Covers essential aspects such as sustainability strategy, governance, and stakeholder engagement

  • Requires companies to conduct a materiality assessment to identify the most significant sustainability impacts, risks, and opportunities

Materiality Assessment: The Key to Relevant Reporting

While ESRS 2 is mandatory for all companies, the other standards in the ESRS framework are subject to a materiality assessment. This assessment enables companies to focus their reporting on the sustainability topics that are most relevant to their specific context and stakeholders.

By conducting a thorough materiality assessment, companies can:

  • Prioritize their sustainability efforts and resource allocation

  • Provide targeted and meaningful sustainability disclosures

  • Align their reporting with stakeholder expectations and decision-making needs

Navigating the ESRS landscape can be complex, especially for companies new to sustainability reporting. Partnering with experienced consultants who deeply understand the ESRS requirements and best practices is essential for ensuring compliance and delivering high-quality sustainability disclosures.

At [Company Name], our team of ESRS experts is ready to guide you through the reporting process, from materiality assessment to data collection and report preparation. We help you meet the mandatory requirements of ESRS 2 and identify and report on the most material sustainability topics for your organisation.

Take the first step towards transparent and impactful sustainability reporting.

What is the Double Materiality Assessment?

A crucial aspect of the new sustainability reporting framework is the double materiality assessment, which every company must conduct at the beginning of the reporting process. This assessment serves as the foundation for defining the specific reporting content in the areas of environment, social, and governance.

The double materiality assessment requires companies to consider two perspectives:

Impact Materiality:

  • Examines the concrete impacts of the company on people and the environment

  • Focuses on the company's outward effects (from inside to outside)

  • Identifies the company's direct and indirect influences on sustainability factors

Financial Materiality:

  • Analyses the sustainability-related opportunities and risks that affect the company from the outside, such as those within the supply chain

  • Considers the inward effects on the company (from outside to inside)

  • Assesses the potential financial implications of sustainability factors on the company's performance and value creation

  • By conducting a thorough double materiality assessment, companies can:

  • Identify the most relevant sustainability topics for their specific context

  • Prioritize their ESG efforts and resource allocation

  • Provide meaningful and targeted sustainability disclosures to stakeholders

  • Align their sustainability strategies with both internal and external factors

The double materiality assessment is a critical exercise that enables companies to comprehensively evaluate their sustainability impacts, risks, and opportunities. It forms the basis for transparent, relevant, and decision-useful sustainability reporting under the CSRD and ESRS frameworks.

Navigating the complexities of the double materiality assessment can be challenging. Partnering with experienced consultants who deeply understand this process and its implications is essential for conducting a robust assessment and laying the foundation for effective sustainability reporting.